Casting a custom ashtray out from aluminum.

11 months ago

Hey everyone welcome to my channel in today's video has am going to be doing something a bit different.
Both of my german shepard's had passed away on February 27th so I thought I would make 2 paw print's to remember them by. the one dog's name was Skye (15) the other dog's is Callie (13. They were german shepard's and they had a good life. I had both dog's when they were 2-3 years old.
I am also made a ashtray from styrofoam which I designed. I made it so I can also have a smoke outside and not get the ash from the cigars every where when am outside.
yes I also put some music in to try it the 2 songs I got the music from the 2 I used were celtic melody and medieval-inn.

I hope everyone has a good rest of your day too. 🖖

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