Why a Short Ram Intake? The reason will surprise you.

6 years ago

For this project, I show you my Short Ram Intake, or SRI, on my 2004 Nissan Frontier. The Stock Intake looks like a Cold Air Intake on this truck, but I reveal secrets that I believe Engineers try to cover up on a lot of cars and trucks!

See my last Short Ram Intake project and how I turned it into too cold of an air intake for the fuel injectors to keep up!

I installed this to try and get better miles per gallon for my truck in the winter. I believe it worked. I more often got 16 mpg, when I had been seeing a lot of 14 mpg. I still had a couple of 15 and 14 miles per gallon days, but they were a lot less frequent.

So the next time your trying car mods, try a short ram intake for the winter, or maybe a cold air intake or CAI for the hotter areas! (In the winter, you may find that if a cold air intake is succesful that this car mod will impact your MPG in the winter.

In the video I also reveal the wHP and Torque figures I experienced in real world conditions. The first picture is literally identical to multiple runs which I tried. The 2nd was a day one of the runs I did with the stock intake on an extra cold day, so of course wHP was up that day. Unfortunately, it's too rare for me to have that cold of a day with my stock intake to try it on the short ram, but I had other days which were more comparable on humidity and temperature and found the gap in wHP is greater on hot days, being that the SRI or hot air intake does worse, but Torque is actually always the same.

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