State of the Union 2024 – pack of lies

11 months ago

State of the Union 2024 – pack of lies
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Last night (March 7), Resident Biden gave the traditional State of the Union address – about a month late. It was, without a doubt, the biggest pack of lies in the history of State of the Union addresses. Worse than that, Biden turned the event into a campaign rally – the biggest campaign rally he has ever held. Only the memorial service for the late Sen. Paul Wellstone (D-Minn.) was in worse taste. This event almost makes the case for asking Presidents to discontinue addressing joint sessions of Congress and instead transmit their reports to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. But as long as the Resident made a public display of himself, someone has to tell fact from fiction.
History of State of the Union reports and addresses
Article II Section 3 of the Constitution reads in relevant part:
He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.
Beginning in 1790 with George Washington, “from time to time” has meant “at least once a year,” with some exceptions. George Washington and John Adams addressed joint sessions of Congress. But after Adams left office, no President did this until Woodrow Wilson in 1913. Beginning with Thomas Jefferson in 1801, Presidents sent written reports. Calvin Coolidge sent one written report in his last year, and Herbert Hoover sent only written reports. The real modern tradition of addressing a joint session of Congress began in 1933 with Franklin D. Roosevelt. Harry S. Truman (1947) was the first to broadcast the address on television. Lyndon B. Johnson (1965) began the tradition of scheduling the address in prime time. And in 1966, Sen. Everett Dirksen (R-Ill.) and Rep. Gerald R. Ford (R-Mich.) inaugurated the tradition of rebuttals to the State of the Union address.
These joint sessions always take place in the chamber of the House, the only room big enough to hold all the various dignitaries. The Senate sits in two rows at the extreme left, and Justices of the Supreme Court sit front and center. Members of the Cabinet also have assigned seating on the floor, along with the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps (the oldest serving foreign Ambassador to the United States).
With such august attention, one expects these addresses to have a corresponding dignity. The 2024 State of the Union Address did not.
State of the Union 2024
Herewith the official White House prepared transcript, and Time Magazine’s full transcript of the actual remarks.
Before Biden even got to the Capitol, pro-Palestinian protesters blocked his motorcade.
The protesters are calling for a cease-fire in the Fourth Arab-Israeli War. Of course they did not dare call for what they really want – but one can readily guess that from how that War began.
Presaging a particularly untoward remark by the Resident, Justices Samuel A. Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, and Clarence Thomas did not attend the State of the Union address. Johnathan Jones of The Western Journal reported on that and included these X posts:
About halfway through his address, Biden appeared to threaten the Court with an unspecified exercise of women’s political power.
And with all due respect, justices, women are not without electrical power. Excuse me, electoral or political power. You’re about to realize just how much you…
At that Biden trailed off as the House and Senate Democratic Conferences erupted in cheers. Those remarks appear to be extemporaneous. The prepared transcript didn’t have them, and Time Magazine edited out that entire exchange.
But that wasn’t the only untoward exchange, or even the worst. Your correspondent sat through it, and estimates that it contained one-third lies, one-third empty platitudes, and one-third conflation. The conflation reflects Biden’s continued cognitive decline, which became evident in the last fifteen minutes of the address. If any President since Wilson would have been better advised to submit a written report, it’s Biden.
State of the Union? A litany of lies
Shawn Fleetwood of The Federalist counted thirty statements in the State of the Union address that he knew were false, or at least lacking in context or supporting evidence, or equivalent to loaded questions. In reply to these statements, your editor says:
America is not in any leadership position in the world today. America is instead a glove, and the World Economic Forum is the hand inside the glove. It is high time – and way past time – to bring that master-slave relationship to an end.
Donald Trump did not actually tell the Russians to do what they wanted. He did, however, threaten to say that if NATO continued to expect a military free ride.
Russia ended the “threat to the free world” when she abandoned communism. Vladimir Putin might be trying to “redeem” certain lands where ethnic Russians now live. As to Ukraine, Putin doesn’t even care for all of it – only those areas that speak Russian. And not only is that not our fight, but it ill befits anyone to defend a country that:
• Is not really a country. Nikita S. Khrushchev cynically pretended to call Ukraine that, to score an extra vote in the United Nations General Assembly.
• Played host to biological weapons development laboratories, with American funding, and American direction, and American staffs.
January 6, reproductive issues, etc.
The January 6 event was a false-flag pseudo-operation. Concerns about election integrity are real, and foundation for them becomes stronger every month. To suggest that voting on paper, requiring I.D., replacing absentee ballots with in-person pre-registered proxy voting, and junking The Machines would “pose the gravest threat to democracy since the [War Between the States]” is worse than ludicrous. These things pose the gravest threat to the Democratic Party as we know it today. And that’s a good thing.
The Alabama Supreme Court did raise concerns about the callous discarding of embryos as part of in-vitro fertilization. That Court declared that those embryos are persons within the meaning of the Constitution. But they did not issue any injunction against IVF. Since then, Alabama’s legislature passed, and Gov. Kay Ivey (R-Ala.) signed, a hasty measure to shield IVF clinics from liability from the perishing of such embryos.
Abortion tourist Kate Cox was never in danger of dying in childbirth from having a child with Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18). Furthermore that child might have lived. True, most Edwards children die within days – but not all. That child deserved a chance. Then again, Democrats will see no abortion unperformed, and that’s why Biden threatened the Court (see above).
Biological sciences, economy, drug prices
Again in his State of the Union address, Biden returned to the boast that his administration would “cure cancer.” Then he actually said the COVID vaccines were now “help[ing] beat cancer.” Not only is that false, but the opposite is true. Patients who took the vaccine are often reporting – and dying from – runaway cancers.
People going back to work with the lifting of COVID quarantines do not represent new job creation.
Inflation in the U.S. today is worse than in several countries throughout the world. And consumer confidence is shrinking, not “soaring.” Drug prices are rising, and your editor has no brief for Big Pharma – but under Biden the problem has gotten worse, not better. And the unlawful COVID vaccine mandate was a favor to Big Pharma, not a victory over it.
Concerning student loans, lay aside for a moment that the Supreme Court enjoined Biden’s program. In fact that program shifts the burden onto taxpayers who never attended college. (Or if they did, they paid for it out of current funds or paid back, with interest, whatever they borrowed.)
Taxes, spending, and immigration
Biden has increased, rather than decreased, the federal deficit. And while large taxpayers might pay a lower proportion of their income or profit than most individuals, they still pay the lion’s share of tax in absolute amounts. The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017 benefited everyone, not just “the top one percent.”
Trump did increase the national debt – by agreeing to COVID lockdowns when he should have followed Kristi Noem’s example instead. But Obama, not Trump, increased the national debt the most.
Not once has Biden proposed any measure that would in fact exempt those earning less than $400,000 from income tax.
Biden’s estimate for “1000 billionaires” could be a convenient resort to lack of precision. (Forbes counts 735.) But even leftists dispute the notion that billionaires pay an effective 8.2 percent tax rate.
The so-called border bill would have made the southern border invasion worse, not better. In fact the only people slowing that invasion down are the Texas National and State Guards – no thanks to Biden.
Republicans frankly don’t go far enough with election-integrity measures that mandate voter ID (always with an option of free issue). They should mandate voting on paper, as the French do it. Even so, this does not constitute “voter suppression,” nor does it even have that effect. (Or at least, not suppression of the votes of the living, except for attempts to vote where one moved out.)
If you’re going to say her name, at least pronounce it properly!
Marking books, videos, or other resources as “for adults only,” and refraining from reading such a book to children, does not constitute “banning” of books. No one is talking about sending a fire pumper loaded with fire accelerant instead of water, and its crew, to:
• Grab armfuls of books off library shelves and carry them outside,
• Dump them into a quickly assembled portable grill in the parking lot, and then
• Douse them with a flamethrower,
as one sees in the opening sequence of the motion picture Fahrenheit 451 (1966).
Biden unforgivably mispronounced the name of murder victim Laken Riley as “Lincoln” Riley. Moreover he insinuated that legal immigrants commit more murders than do illegal. A statistician might easily dispute that.
Trump did tell the survivors of a recent school shooting in Iowa that, though he felt for them, they should move on. Biden not only left out the “feeling” words, but also returned to the same-old, same-old gun-control theme. Even if he could accomplish the confiscation of all privately held weapons, that would violate the Second Amendment. (As would his “assault weapons” ban.) And no record exists of Biden ever teaching about the Second Amendment.
Foreign policy
Biden carefully acknowledged Israeli civilian killed, wounded (including sexual wounds), and missing in the Fourth Arab-Israeli War. But he attributed these to “a terrorist group called HAMAS,” as if they were not the duly constituted Gaza government. Furthermore he quoted Gaza casualty figures that come from HAMAS. Such figures are never trustworthy. Even the International Committee of the Red Cross, not exactly trustworthy themselves, do not claim independent verification of HAMAS’ truth claims in this area.
Biden claimed to be “in a stronger position to win the competition … against China.” He also claimed that Trump did nothing against China. Neither statement is accurate. In fact, the Chinese (and, for that matter, the Russians) are planning to build Lunar cities with nuclear generators. Whether RosKosmos could possibly accomplish that feat is an open question. The Chinese are in a better position, however. And with a nuclear generator, they could build a mass driver that could pelt the United States into submission with artificial meteors.
Finally, Biden accused the whole country of never living up to the ideal of all humans being created equal. Not only is that slander, but under Biden, clearly some people are more equal than others.
Other reviews of State of the Union 2024
Erick-Woods Erickson – no friend of Trump – poured contempt on Biden’s State of the Union address. He flatly accused Biden of being “hopped up on drugs.” (And in fact, your editor, drawing on his medical training, recognized last night the signs of one under the influence of methamphetamine, dextroamphetamine, or a similarly acting stimulant. It must have worn off at about 10:15 p.m. EST.) Erickson said a number of other things, with which your editor agrees. Biden’s State of the Union address was “beneath the dignity of [his] office.” Biden showed Democrats that they dare not think of replacing him, and he has the stamina for a long campaign. And independents won’t like his “angry man yelling” routine.
Furthermore, Democrats are kidding themselves if they think Blacks and Hispanics will “come home” to them. Dick Morris said yesterday that Donald Trump is pro-actively encouraging Blacks and Hispanics – Democrats’ core constituents – to follow him instead. Not only is this working, but Biden can do nothing to stop it. And that screamfest last night won’t help.
Donald Trump did rebut the State of the Union speech – ahead of time.
WorldNetDaily quoted him:
Joe Biden is on the run from his record and lying like crazy to try and escape responsibility for the horrific devastation he and his party have created. All the while they continue the very policies that are causing this horror show to go. We cannot take it any longer as a country.
Maybe Erickson is right when he said Trump, not Sen. Katie Britt (R-Ala.), should have delivered the official rebuttal. Even Dr. Steve Turley didn’t like that performance, seeing it as a missed opportunity.
Moving forward
The only people who will appreciate Biden’s State of the Union address are Democrats and their Deep State masters. This speech, even more than Biden’s pre-Midterm speech of 2022, represents the last gasp of a regime that wanted to be dictatorial. So says “Doctor Steve,” and so said your editor, comparing That Speech to Cicero Against Catiline. More to the point, Biden made his worst mistake at the beginning, by invoking Ronald Reagan. Evidently he forgot that Reagan first asked, “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?” The answer is no, and even the Democrats’ traditional constituents cannot say yes. Furthermore, last night’s address is remarkable for what Biden did not mention: the Alphabet Soup movement (except for “book bans”). He and his handlers must know that most Americans now regard that movement with monumental disgust.
Americans now need to see to election integrity, and take all necessary measures to ensure it. Election fraud is now the only way Democrats can win. If anything, last night’s speech proves that.
Link to:
The Constitution:

As delivered (and redacted by Time):

Video of the address, per C-SPAN:

Video: motorcade blocked:

Posts about Alito, Barrett, and Thomas JJ not attending:

On the abortion issue:

Article in The Federalist counting thirty lies:

January 6 event keyword search link:

Article about how France votes on paper:

Video: Fahrenheit 451 opening book-burning sequence:

Donald Trump’s “pre-buttal”:

Articles about Biden’s 2022 speech (and Cicero’s In Catalinam):

Declarations of Truth X feed:

Declarations of Truth Locals Community:

Conservative News and Views:

Clixnet Media

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