The Purpose of Good and Bad Luck Planets in Astrology

11 months ago

I've noticed that my clients are often oblivious to their luck. No one has ever come into my office complaining about a lucky transit from Jupiter (unless they are trying to keep their weight down). But whenever I point out a challenging, malefic planet like Saturn, my clients are acutely aware of its harsh effect.

A cosmic smiley face with a blindfold on. Happy planets may bring luck but no awareness.
Image consciously created by Midjourney AI from words in this article
The challenging planets describe our problems while also providing archetypal remedies for them. When my clients are going through a tough time, I try to contextualize their hardship by connecting them to its higher meaning. The trick is how you integrate the planet’s influence, and that involves making decisions aligned with purpose.

For example, Saturn is the task master who tests you. The best way to respond to a Saturnian test is to work hard. If he shows you a weakness, then it’s time to fortify it. If something is not working out, then Saturn teaches us to cut our losses. While endings are hard, they also make room for new growth. Seen from this perspective, Saturn is onerous but constructive.

If someone comes into my office wanting to talk about a career problem, I follow the astrological thread to the planet that cosmically correlates. I explain the higher purpose of the transit to reframe their issue. Just like the homeopathic adage in the poison, lies the cure; the challenging planet also provides a practical and actionable antidote.

Astrology does not erase your agency; in fact, it augments it.

The natal chart is a signpost for your self-actualization, and this chart mirrors your situation back to you. If you are more conscious while making decisions, then your decisions will lead to better outcomes. Astrology does not erase your agency; in fact, it augments it. Malefic planets are spiritual accelerants; they are the grit in the oyster of your personal evolution.

Ominous eye floating in space watching us like CCTV. Malefic planets are rough but they invite more awareness.
Image consciously created by Midjourney AI using words from this article
After discussing a client’s hardship, I offer another perspective by remarking on what’s going well in their life. Maybe that client has benefic Jupiter transiting their 7th house, so things are going well in their relationship. Maybe they are arguing less with their partner, and growing together. When I bring up their luck, my clients often look at me with some surprised acknowledgement. It’s true, but why hadn’t they noticed it?

Nothing commands our attention better than pain, both physically and psychologically.

This leads me to think about the evolutionary purpose of malefic versus benefic planets. Difficult planets like Saturn invite more consciousness than the luck planets, because we are keenly aware of the challenge they bring. Nothing commands our attention better than pain, both physically and psychologically. Often, we are incognizant of luck because we take things for granted when they feel good.

I don’t want to sugarcoat how challenging and raw life can be. There are times when we are all pushed to the brink, and we need some glimmer of hope or purpose or meaning to keep us going. The benefic planets and lucky transits in astrology can balance our outlook during a dark time. But the challenging ones are what will ultimately connect us to our purpose. They engender awareness, and awareness is the name of the game.

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