Tehillim Psalms 19 with commentary

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Welcome Back Child Of The Most High Living G-D!
This video we will be going over the terminology of Tehillim Psalms 19

Blog link for this lesson:

Now I have posted videos reading the Psalms on our Youtube and Rumble and IG social media pages, but this seasons goal will be something more in depth, more G’W terminology filled, and G’W applicable to one’s life.
Thank you to those returning, it has been a journey especially with all the updates and changes that tend to happen in the current, but not permanent (B’H) climate the world currently is in. Also, thank you to the new subscribers and followers. I do hope you enjoy the new season and whatever stage one is, please remember we all have to start somewhere and whenever in doubt, dismay, or wonder, ask G-d. Most importantly……….

My G-d, my Creator, my Father, and the True Love of my Life! 

Please know that everyone will truly be in our prayers.

And you all are loved and appreciated.

with love..,


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