Mike Johnson: SOTU Was So Full of False Information

3 months ago

Hannity: “I think maybe one other behind-the-scenes question that people might be interested in, you spent a lot of time up there with the vice president. Any private conversations, small talk maybe?”
Johnson: “We did. We had some small talk. There was a lot of time that we were there together waiting. We talked, for one example, about our parents. I asked her, if her parents had been alive, if they survived to see her serving as vice president. She lamented that they had not. She asked me about mine. I lost my dad three days before I got elected to Congress, so he didn’t get to see this either. But we agreed that our parents are enjoying this from have been. That was a nice moment. But beyond that, Sean, it was just an overly partisan, unnecessarily partisan evening. I mean, the State of the Union, there’s always some partisan elements to it, but there’s normally applause lines that everyone can join in on. I mean, that’s kind of the unifying moment about this tradition. We had None of that tonight. It was almost nothing that we could agree to because it was so full of false information and it was hard for me to hold that in.”
Hannity: “I guess starting with the issue of the border. I mean, the house did pass H.R. 2. I do not believe the bill that the Senate was pushing forward — I mean, before it would even be triggered, you would have at least 5000 illegal immigrants coming into the country. That made absolutely no sense. It also offered discretion where they didn’t even have to follow the bill if it became law. In other words, to me, it would’ve codified into law what Joe Biden has been doing for three years, on top of telling America that the border is secure and closed, which is a lie, but it would codify into law that his administration had been aiding and abetting in the lawbreaking and facilitating it. And they had bragged about how they rescinded all of the Trump era policies that were working. That was a bit surprising. Were you also surprised that he attacked the Supreme Court in front of the justices right there?”
Johnson: “Yeah, I think that was a new low. I’ve never seen that before. I’m not sure any of us had. I’m not sure who wrote the speech, but they went out there to lob grenades tonight. You know, look, I don’t think the American people are buying that, Sean. He tried to suggest that we are in great shape and the State of the Union is strong. We all know that’s not true. The State of the Union is in decline in every measurable category. On the world stage, our sovereignty, our safety, the economy, everybody knows it. So, gas lighting the American people is not going to work, and I thought it was a very big disappointment tonight.”

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