015 The LORD Shall Reign Over Them (Micah 4:5-7) 1 of 2

10 months ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Israel Special Envoy to the UN explains the wicked, pro-Islamic nature of the UN terrorist organizations. (2) In a short headline roundup, we discuss Biden admin's attempt to force Christian doctors to perform child mutilation and abuse surgeries and the fact that 30% of illegals entering the U.S. have STD's.

In our study, Micah continues revealing the Kingdom Agenda:

I. Exclusivity (4:5)<br /> II. Final Regathering (4:6)<br /> III. Eternal Kingdom (4:7)

Also Reference: Isaiah 11:10-12, Deuteronomy 28:12-13, Revelation 11:15


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