Protesting Pride

1 year ago

Protesting Pride outside of Kamloops YMCA after they canceled my membership and banned me for life for questioning why they thought it was okay to offend me and other people as they hung a giant Pride flag in the window for the month of June.

The Key to any protest is to first send the Police Chief a Notice and Demand, giving them notice that I will be protesting in public as I have the right to do, and demanding the RCMP send me any legislation or law or reason i couldn't protest in Public.

The Police reacted very positively, actually offering to help when i had some minor trouble with a Karen who assaulted me and tried to intimidate me. The RCMP did several drive-bys asking if I had any more problems, and gave me the thumbs up.

I did have by-laws called on me several times, though I stood my ground and peacefully exerted my right to protest, making sure to record them in the event they threatened me or stopped me. I even had two cops show up the last day when management was there, threatening me a little, but again, I stood my ground and we settled the matter with me agreeing to turn the volume down a little bit.

I created "Stop Pride" T-shirt which I wore around town to public events, like the Farmer's Market and Party in the Park where I had 100% positive interaction. Even had a gay couple give me the thumbs up and expressed their opostion to the "Pride" crap that indoctrinates children and vulnerable young people who are going through social issues in their lives.

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