The Gut Will Become A "Swiss Watch": Here's What To Eat After 30 Years Old

2 months ago

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🍎🥦Wondering what to eat after 30 for a healthy gut? As we age, our dietary needs shift, and maintaining a healthy gut becomes increasingly important. The foods we eat can significantly influence our gut health, affecting everything from digestion to overall well-being. In this video, we'll explore the magical foods that keep your gut ticking like a Swiss watch! ⏰

From fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts, to the three crucial 'P's - Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Protein, we'll cover it all. Learn about the importance of healthy fats and hydration for gut health and discover how to incorporate these foods into your daily diet for optimal gut health after 30.

time codes:

00:04 - The Importance of Eating Right After 30
00:31 - Fiber Rich Foods for Gut Health
00:58 - Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Protein
01:49 - Healthy Fats and Hydration

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