Part 5: Is The Devil's Name Lucifer AUDIO PODCAST

3 months ago

I have been providing facts from various Bible translations, Bible commentaries, and Bible dictionaries that prove satan's name is NOT lucifer.  I could have ended in the last episode and said, I rest my case, but I still have much more to teach to seal the deal so to speak.  In this episode, I am going to teach from Ezekiel 28 and expose the lies that many believe about satan being heaven's worship leader.  It's simply not true!   I will end today by going back to where we began and that is Isaiah 14 bringing us full circle in this teaching.  At the end of this one hour episode, you will be faced with a choice.  Will you continue to believe the biggest lie that satan ever sold to humanity, or will you accept what I have taught you as the truth.  I pray you receive the truth.

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