Three Moons Until Darkness - Be Ready For Passover

1 year ago

In this video, we look at compelling information pointing us to world-changing events that may begin to occur on Passover of 2024. There is also a possibility that Israel may be celebrating Purim when they are supposed to be keeping the Passover. Will the economy still function as it does today after Passover? These are some of the questions that are addressed. Several people have had similar dreams or prophecies in which three moons until darkness were mentioned and connected to Amos 8:9. What could these be pointing to and what do you need to know to prepare for what is coming.

If you would like to view the full videos for which excerpts were shown in this video, you can find them below:

Three Moons Till Darkness Dream:

That 3 Days:

7 Day Warning! The Matrix Reveals the 2nd 9/11!!! March 11, 2024:

Prophecy by Ken Peters:

To get ready for the Rapture, watch this video:

A very important series about the Harvest and Temple model and how these relate to the First Resurrection mentioned in Revelation 20 can be viewed at the link below:

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