British police woman physically attacks a homeless rough sleeper! Justice for the abused.

10 months ago

England. Police in Manchester say an officer’s behaviour was unacceptable and must never be repeated after video emerged of her dragging a rough sleeper across the ground and deliberately “stamping” on his stomach.

The video posted above is a sign of things to come. Contained within the provisions of the Criminal Justice Bill is guidance on what the Government is calling 'Nuisance begging and rough sleeping'.

Does anyone sitting in Parliament imagine that police will exercise discretion when it comes to working with the (very limited) nuance contained within such provisions?

'Replace the outdated Vagrancy Act 1824 with a suite of modern replacement powers to enable the police and local authorities to respond to begging and rough sleeping where it causes nuisance to the public, including by obstructing shop doorways and aggressively begging by cash points.'

Of course—and you guessed it—nuisance may be defined by anyone that decides they are experiencing 'harassment, alarm or distress'.


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