5 months ago

I had this dream on Jan 21, 2012, At the time of this dream I was very new on my walk with YESHUA I hadn't heard of the 'Christian Rapture'...until after the dream.
I have NOW been prompted to make this video along with PART 2 which is a lot of important information that is connected to this dream.

My daughter write MY words -
Woe to you who say that I AM your GOD.
You who do not obey My Words and Commands.
Sudden destruction is coming, suddenly your world will be changed …in an instant.
I have warned you - REPENT and turn from your lawless ways to MY Ways of obedience. You have chosen your path; you have opened your lives to the enemy and his minions. You will be destroyed for he seeks to kill, steal and destroy.

Because of your stubbornness you have let him in, you have My Word, yet you do NOT follow and obey.

My prophets of old and of new have warned but you take no heed.

Captivity to strangers is coming upon your land, death and destruction to your cities and towns. There will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Your children will be taken from you, never to be seen again.

Why did you not listen and search the Scriptures yourselves. My watchman have been warning of the dangers I have been showing them. They have been sounding the alarm from their dreams and visions. It is now upon you . . . you are as a bird in a net. The enemy has encompassed you, but you don’t see nor have any regret.

You have been distracted and entertained by his plans and schemes. I told you not to be of this world, why did you not listen?!

Destruction is upon you!

Death is upon the people of the earth.

Even the enemy has been warning you of his plans, but you take no heed.

Do you not see what has already begun?

Do you think you are safe and untouchable?

I tell you; YOU ARE NOT!!!

REPENT! There are only a few more moments left - TURN NOW!

Daughter warn them! WARN THEM - tell them to seek ME now in their times of prayer.
Tell them to take the time and seek ME now before they ALL are in despair!!
Time is up!!! I have warned, why did you not hear!
The world is going to burn and melt that fact remains. . .I warn you, but you would not hear. . . many have been called but only, but a few will obey.

REPENT children of the earth!

REPENT for your evil and wicked deeds and ways.

Turn to MY Son and Obey MY Commands for so many are about to perish, indeed it is at hand.


I SAY REPENT and turn to ME while you still have breath. . . once you die there will only be death and torment! I SAY REPENT!


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