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How to Navigate Tokyo, and what it will cost you.

11 months ago

If Tokyo seems like a complicated city to navigate and get around, this video should be helpful in getting you familiarized with the city and some modes of public transportation. After watching it, you should feel a little more at ease if you are planning to travel to Japan. Hopefully with this you will also see what things cost, and how much it might cost you to visit this city.

Traveling to Tokyo should be a fun and exciting experience, and knowing your way around as well as being better prepared will help you worry less about that aspect of your trip, and focus more on your fun and relaxation. So if you find the video helpful, make sure to like and follow this channel for more.

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  • Thanks Emmanuel. I will keep your info handy for the future. At the moment I will continue to upload videos and see how the Rumble algo helps or fail to help their smaller channels, but if in the future I decide to look to push the channel more, I’ll make sure to keep your contact handy.