Overcoming Grief Finding Yourself with Sheila Kamuda (Author of Party of One)

1 year ago

Sheila Kamuda and discuss overcoming grief and finding yourself. Sheila is the author of Party of One and several journals and the founder of the career coaching company Live Out Loud, where she could work with you and help you find yourself. Her book Party of One is about her journey of overcoming grief. She was very insightful as she spoke about how often we get stuck in grief because we fear what we find on the other side. Although her grief was from her husband, she points out that often, that is the cause for many who struggle with grief, whether it is from a job, infertility, or whatever caused you to feel life didn't turn out the way you thought it would.

If you want to work with her, you can visit her website here: https://www.liveoutloudcoaching.com/
or purchase her books here: https://www.amazon.com/PARTY-ONE-Memoir-Getting-Through/dp/B0CN229XRM/ref=sr_1_1?crid=33IBV23468GYN&keywords=party+of+one%3A+a+memoir&qid=1699980024&sprefix=party+of+one+a+memoi%2Caps%2C201&sr=8-1

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