3.7.2024 - Groovy Jimmy part deuce - Kidney stones is about to go to the joint

3 months ago

Jimmy asks his audience to essentially snitch on Books4Moses for showing a bag of California weed on youtube. He is gifted B12 vitamins from Risky. Michael hood joins the panel to rap battle jimmy. Jimmy goes on a black woman's panel but is kicked when he celebrates Fed Smoker's mother dying from breast cancer. Infuriated, he joins the panel again and shouts that he hopes the host dies from breast cancer. CONTENT: Jimmy laces up to start his training for his big fight with Books4Moses. He moseys on over to the elementary school playground where there is a 1/8 mile dirt track. He does 4 laps, with intermittent walking in 5 mins and 32 seconds. He proclaims that he ran a mile in 5 minutes and 32 seconds. Common sense and facts prove that he ran half a mile in that time. He immediately pukes, a lot. He walks home and falls asleep shortly thereafter.

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