Researcher MARK PASSIO & journalist JOACHIM HAGOPIAN on Order Followers- FULL

11 months ago

Catherine A Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on 7-9pm ET Thurs AND on Revolution.Radio Studio B Wed. 4-6pm ET,
who has focused on the "micro" Abusive, dysfunctional "family", 'community", Child Abuse for 4 decades and the Unconscious, unhealthy, dysfunctional, abusive habits too many people in Amerika have engaged in to help enable the MASS Abusers and create the Satanic system that is out in the open.
With Dark Occult researcher of 16 years, presenter MARK PASSIO of with author JOACHIM HAGOPIAN author of Pedophelia and Empire; Satan Sodomy and the Deep State.
Focusing on the masses of Order Followers in society, the, what I've called Adult Children for decades but, now is too light of a term, and Moral Relativism by which people think THEY dictate to the LAWS of NATURE and NOT the other way around!
Latest by Joachim on The Government Rag
and on James Fetzer
Madmen Arsonists Strike Again: They as Much as Lit Aaron Bushnell’s Match for Him
by Veterans For Peace

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