3D model Arnold Schwarzenegger head T-800

1 year ago

The 3d character available here:

3D Model formats:
* Blender 2.93 (.blend), Version: 2.93, Renderer: Cycles
* Blender 2.79 (.blend), Version: 2.79, Renderer: Cycles

3D model Arnold Schwarzenegger head T-800

The model has polys: 21126 verts: 30499

head: polys: 3370 verts: 3429 texture: 8192 x 8192
hair: polys: 13884 verts: 22968 texture: 4096 x 4096
eyeballs: polys: 2624 verts: 2632 texture: 1024 x 1024
eyelashes: polys: 1248 verts: 1470 texture: 2048 x 2048
glasses: polys: 1554 verts: 1590 texture: NO

Eyebrows are painted.
The model has no teeth and togue.
The head has no symmetry topology.
Final images are rendered in Blender v2.79b Cycles Render

3d model Arnold Schwarzenegger celebrity male head 3d model face blend character hollywood man men human people anatomy boy
guy OBJ head T-800 photorealistic t-800 man head textured human people character face realistic male head anatomy man guy boy eye
ear cyborg mouth robot photorealistic textured bodybuilder

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