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Never NOT Perfect

11 months ago

We will never be left! We will never be forsaken! Even if it looks like and feels like our life is in ruins and as hard as we try to fix it, it is still broken, it is still ruined! Striving in our flesh is so exhausting! We try and try to find a way out of our ruins and just seem to dead end ourselves. I wonder if it is best to just trust God right where we are at? Truly, because wherever we are, He is, and He is actively working for our good in the unseen. If we could only learn that kind of trust where we actively wait in faith and belief of God’s trustworthiness, for God’s timing to play out.

Did you know that God’s purposes are always in play in our life situations? There is never a time where God’s purposes are not in play in our lives for our good. God always finishes what He starts and He finishes well. Did you know that God has never failed? God fails Not! He always has a good endgame in mind for us. He is the solution and we can trust Him for a good outcome with perfect timing.

God’s purpose surrounds us, kind of like a cleft in the rock kind of scenario. Rocked in by Jesus, surrounded, as we simply-significantly wait on His Way-Making power play on our behalf. How much easier would life be if we stop striving and wait on God to make a way out for us.

Rest in your soul! Do you have that when you wait at the roadblocks of life where there seems to be impassable boulders in your way? Nothing is impossible with God! Nothing is irreversible with God! When we believe in God, we should be believing Him. We should believe everything He has promised. As we wait in the Cleft of the Rock our Savior provides for safety, provision and protection as we patiently endure and wait on Him, we should be clinging to the promises of God until He gives us that next step out in His perfect timing! Our God Is Never Not Perfect.

Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/yet-in-darkness/

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