Alter Ether Podcast | Peggy Rogers: Connecting with Spirit

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JOIN US AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET (interview is 52 minutes long)
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Is communicating with spirits bad or just a programmed fear? What type of messages can you receive? Are Mediums born with these abilities or do we all have this power? Hold you's time we take a dive into Mediumship with Reverend Peggy Rogers.

Rev. Peggy Rogers has been learning and practicing Mediumship for over 45 years and has been a Reiki Master for over 20 years. She was a Registered Medium in the Spiritualist Community of Lily Dale for 17 years and Secretary of the Lily Dale Medium's League for 3 years. Reverend Peggy was Ordained in the Spiritualist Church in 2002 & is one of the Founders of The Church of Spiritual Oneness in Erie, PA. Peggy is also a Teacher, Life Coach and Firewalker. Her mission is to leave an impression upon the World by teaching others the power of Mediumship.

Peggy knows the power which resides in each and every one of us and the power that waits for us to connect from the other side. When these 2 powers emerge an energetic dance occurs which enhances EVERY aspect of your life!

phone: 814.881.9047
Alter Ether is all about Empowering YOU to Transform the World. Learning to dance with the energies of this world is the key. Alter Ether will delve into topics like Energy Healing, Mediumship, Channelling, Dowsing, Magnetism, Electroculture, Pyramid Power and many more that will have you question this 3D reality and harness your TRUE power.

Lisa Richards is the Host of Alter Ether and wears MANY hats. She is a Frequency Influencer, Meditation Master, Spirit Communicator, & Dowser. She's the owner of Pyramid Surge where she intuitively designs powerful, energy transformation tools as well as accessories for Meditation Pyramids. She is Head Researcher and Vice Chairman of the Pyramid Science Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to pyramid energy research. She's Co-Host of the Pyramid Science Foundation Livestream, Disrupting the Norm as Co-Host of the Sovereign Sister's Podcast, and has recently earned the position of USA Ambassador & Event Manager for Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM) Global which is a Global Initiative based on the work of Brahmarshi Patriji, transforming individuals to live in harmony with nature through Pyramid Energy, Meditation, Vegetarianism, & Breath Work.

Lisa is a Seeker of Ancient & Forbidden Knowledge which has been intentionally hidden from us to dim our shine. The Alchemist in her plans to transform the world! Humanity must awaken to their true potential!

It's time to POWER UP!


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