Biologists Believe Trees Speak A Language We Can Learn

6 years ago

You read that correctly. Science believes that trees speak and what is more, it is a language we humans can learn.

They may be quiet, but trees communicate with each other constantly. They communicate through scents, sounds, signals and many other unconventional ways. While animals - humans included - use quite a different means of communicating, we can still learn how to communicate with the flora.

A forest is basically an underground network of roots, all interconnected. Think of them like the brain in a human body. Trees communicate through their roots, exchanging nutrients like water and sugar. That way, they work together like a close knit community, in order to survive. If there is an old tree in the network that is dying, they help it out, or if a new tree is growing, they dedicate nutrients to help it grow. Sound familiar?

Trees don’t just “talk” underground, they do it above ground as well. The information they exchange comes in the form of seeds, fungi and chemicals. Birds and bats helps them in this endeavor, along with the wind, to carry along important information.

Bigger and older trees are naturally called “mother trees” and they play a crucial role in supporting other trees and distributing resources. When a tree is cut down, the entire forests suffers due to the less of resources.

Trees also warn each other about the onslaught of pests, releasing chemicals in the air to fight off those attacks.

Imagine if humans could be so well connected and speak that language?

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