The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil - Part 12 - Swemplar Neutrality Swindle

1 year ago

Our Pharaonic Masters have a legal Mafia like the Police, Politicians, Justice Department, Banks and Authorities, and they have an illegal Mafia to do the things, their legal Mafia cannot do without arousing too much suspicion, leading the slaves to distrust the system; their legal Mafia is led by the Freemasons, while their illegal Mafia derives out of the Knights Templars with their main base Switzerland high up in the strategical Alps. In reality their legal Mafia and their illegal Mafia work together as the two hands of the same body.

And Pharaoh said, this will be our red and white neutral territory of the Red and the White House lineage, where we will never make war, because it will be our base, where we will hide all our precious goods as in the old times of the pyramids; the centre of power will be there through all ngo's, banks and Swiss Octogon Nazi Templars . . . . .

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