Tools of the Luciferian American Revolution: Part SIXTEEN

1 year ago

FAKE Digital Histories and Encyclopedias: The Anglo-Judeo-Luciferians are employing A.I. and millions of human beings to make digital reference resources comport with the Globalist narrative. The popular online Wiki sources are edited and ruled by the Mossad/CIA, and every social justice network is being paid to bury anything in our past that does not comport. This video is primarily about one book the CIA/Mossad/Jewish Lobby has tried to buy into extinction. It tells the story of the Nakba, in the words of an eyewitness, Millar Burrows, one of the original Dead Sea Scrolls Experts and Professor of Yale University Divinity School. You can't get to be any more "normy" than that, yet were he to say the same facts in Germany today he would be arrested for hate speech. Were he to speak the same facts in the U.S. in 2024, he would be slandered as an anti-semite, and his career canceled. What was amazing to me, is that a man of such reputation and stature in 1949 sounded like Bond Robin, saying the things Bond Robin has been saying, teaching the same facts, as an eye witness, for which I am called a liar.
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