Sex between the Vaxxed & Unvaxxed – Dr. Charles Hoffe

10 months ago

A 32 year old non-vaccinated male had sex with his vaccinated girlfriend and he noticed symptoms of chest pains, brain fog, soar throat and terrible fatigue.

This was directly after having sex with her. They now have genes in them that cause spike proteins to be manufactured.

This was vaccine shedding. He was exposed to them (spike proteins) and they got into his system and made him very sick.

Dr. Charles Hoffe said there are some options to getting rid of Spike Proteins:

1. Nattokinase –made from fermented soybeans.

2. Bromelain – comes from the stem of a pineapple, which also breaks up spike proteins.

3. Curcumin -- natural anti-inflammatory – to remove inflammation caused by spike proteins.

4. Ivermectin – which binds those spike proteins and stops them from causing the clots.

Dr. Hoffe told him to use those 4 things. Initially he couldn’t get the Ivermectin. He took the other 3 for a week and he still felt like sh*t.

Then he got some Ivermectin. He said that made an immediate change. He felt 100% back to normal.

I guess we now know why they sure in the hell didn’t want Doctors prescribing Ivermectin and were labeling it an “Animal only Drug”, a “Horse Dewormer.” It’s not just a horse dewormer and has always been used in humans.

It is FDA approved. The media made it seem like it was not FDA approved. Lies.

If you google Ivermectin today, you will have the “Mainstream” sites like Reuters and of course the FDA site is right at the top also that says “Ivermectin is NOT approved to treat Covid.”

Of course it’s not. It works and they want the vaccines which contain all their sh*t with the toxins, pathogens and the “tools” to form biosensors and networks for their WBAN.

Ivermectin works. There are testimonies all over the Internet.

They will probably end up banning this completely because it seems to work for just about everything.

You can get Ivermectin Here:

***Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Fenbendazole while you can.

• Grant Pharmacy – Order Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin and Fenbendazole --

ReliableRx Pharmacy

• Ivermectin 12mg – Ivetab 12mg ---

• Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg – HCQS 400mg ---

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Thank You!!

Video Source: Jessica Rojas --

END. 3/7/2024.

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