Uh Oh: COVID Vaccines DO Negatively Impact Menstrual Cycles

10 months ago

“There is now a body of evidence demonstrating that the vaccine is associated with temporary menstrual cycle disturbances at the POPULATION LEVEL.”

This was once deemed a “conspiracy theory,” but a recent study found, based on data from nearly 20,000 women, that vaccination in the follicular phase (first half of the menstrual cycle) led to an average cycle length increase of one day after the first or second vaccine dose.

“The underlying mechanism for a vaccine-related cycle length disturbance is still under investigation,” the authors stated.

Facts Matter host Roman Balmakov remarked:

“It’s always kind of wild to read statements like this, that you can release a drug, have billions of people across the world take it, it unexpectedly affects the menstrual cycles of women at a population level, and yet, no one knows why.”

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