Episode 1935: Sts. Revocatus & Saturminus

3 months ago

Sts. Revocatus and Saturminus were early Christian martyrs who lived during the Roman Empire in the third century. While information about their lives is limited, they are venerated as saints in the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations for their steadfast faith and martyrdom.

Revocatus and Saturminus were both Christians living in North Africa, likely in the region corresponding to modern-day Algeria. During this time, Christianity was not officially recognized by the Roman authorities, and followers of the faith often faced persecution for their beliefs.

According to tradition, Revocatus and Saturminus were among a group of Christians who were arrested and brought before Roman officials for refusing to renounce their faith. Despite threats and coercion, they remained steadfast in their devotion to Christianity, choosing to remain faithful to their beliefs even in the face of persecution.

As a result of their refusal to recant their faith, Revocatus and Saturminus were subjected to torture and ultimately sentenced to death. They were likely martyred by execution, though specific details of their martyrdom may vary in different accounts.

Over time, Revocatus and Saturminus came to be venerated as saints by the Christian community for their courage and fidelity to their beliefs. Their feast day is celebrated on different dates depending on the liturgical calendar followed by different Christian denominations.

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