DOES IGF-1 WORK? || Tony Huge w/ Bostin Loyd || NFBP #30

11 months ago

Tony's channel:

Timestamps by Jax:
0:00 Intro
0:10 Thomas O'connor
1:56 Doctors, the Hippocratic oath, scientists and research papers
5:01 Tony and the Delta variant
7:11 Tony, Leo and Bostin on the Vaccine
10:55 Cycle critiques
10:57 Dan Paq’s cycle
12:45 HCG, Mk 677, and Clomid to counteract suppression
14:55 Testosterone or HCG for better results?
16:11 Kamote Kid’s cycle
17:28 The importance of context in a cycle/ Tony on testosterone and estrogen
18:35 Estrogen, prolactin, and gyno
20:35 Armesh Singh/ Early men’s physique
24:50 Max the Butcher’s cycle
25:25 BPC and Vagf
27:20 Deca only cycles and hair loss
29:05 Leo on Tony, Boston and honesty
29:42 Kev Soto’s cycle
30:10 Leo on GH injection frequency
30:53 Tony on Ment and Testosterone
34:00 Tony’s experience on Ment
34:45 Did Tony ever use DHB?/ Injectables and solvents
37:11 Tony on chemicals in gear
38:38 Tony on gear crystalizing vs solvents
40:03 Leo on what the solvents do, and what test to get (C reactive protein above .3 in American metrics)
41:38 Guieseppe BTX’s cycle
42:13 HCG, HMG and FSH in regards to keeping your testicles working
44:16 Anabolic pharmacist on the forum
45:25 Tony on GH vs Mk 677 for healing
46:46 Tony on the inner circle
48:25 The anabolic matrix
49:25 Leo on whiteboards
50:13 Redcon1 pulling out of the Arnold
51:11 Tony on freedom and bodybuilding
51:40 Super famous people and selling out
54:25 Leo on America and freedom
55:30 Leo on Arnold cheating on his wife and loyalty
57:00 Tony and Leo on the illusion of freedom in America
1:00:09 Tony’s protocol for building back his physique/ The importance of building up stamina
1:04:49 Tony on visiting the U.S./ Living in the U.S. vs living in Thailand
1:05:46 Schools in Thailand
1:07:07 Bostin’s diet
1:08:11 Tony’s children
1:09:51 Moving nannies to the U.S.
1:12:00 What it feels like to have pressure and water around your heart
1:14:18 Leo on Myocardial Edema/ Coronavirus and cardiovascular issues
1:17:40 Why did Tony lose so much weight
1:18:00 Treating side effects early/ The dangers of bodybuilding/ Coronavirus and blood clotting
1:20:27 Tony’s experience with diuretics
1:23:14 Shelby, Palumbo, Clen and T3
1:24:18 Why does Jansen have people inject in the biceps?
1:24:58 Bostin on Ben Chow
1:27:42 Would Bostin ever be a Gorilla Mind athlete?
1:28:24 Would Bostin ever compete again?/ Don Long and dialysis
1:29:18 Calves and pro bodybuilders
1:30:18 Thoughts on PGF2, PGCL, and Lutalyse (prostaglandins)/ Arachidonic acid
1:35:14 Prostaglandins vs Arachidonic acids/ Injecting it sub Q for fat loss
1:36:07 Bostin and Tony on Follistatin
1:38:22 Tony on pharma Increlex and IGFLR3
1:40:39 Gh, Increlex, and height

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