Democrats continue moves towards martial law while blaming Trump-#464

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Gov. Hochul deploys 1,000 National Guardsmen, state cops to carry out bag checks in NYC subways

Shipwreckedcrew on X: "How far undermanned is NYPD now? Last I recall being reported, they had massive numbers of retirements and resignations following the 2020 riots, and later the "No Cash Bail" policies adopted in the greater NYC areas." / X

WALLS WORK AGAIN: Fencing Returns to the U.S. Capitol Building for Biden's State of the Union Speech | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

NY Democrats want bill to hand tax bucks to ex-cons

Thomas Massie on X: "NIH funded the creation of the COVID virus. We are voting on a bill to give them more money tonight. The bill contains money for cancer research, which I don’t oppose, but I will not vote for a standalone bill to give more money to the agency that bankrolled creation of COVID." / X

US House sends $460bn spending bill to Senate, averting partial government shutdown

DC_Draino on X: "Harvard drops Covid-19 vaccine mandate 3.5 years after it’s already been proven to not stop Covid Harvard really is a joke lately" / X

Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed found guilty of involuntary manslaughter : NPR

Declaration of Memes on X: "“There is Nothing more Permanent than a Temporary Government Program.” - Milton Friedman" / X

Cernovich on X: "She deleted the video after I reposted it. Anyway. Palestinians don’t want to eat the same food American soldiers eat every day. And multiple times a day when deployed. It’s offensive to send it to them." / X

Elon Musk on X: "This is obvious. Incentives drive behavior. Until the loss of votes from ushering in vast numbers of illegal immigrants exceeds the likely gain of votes over time (as they are gradually legalized), the Democratic Party has a strong incentive to maximize illegal immigration." / X

Chaya Raichik on X: "Never thought I’d see the day when a State Superintendent needs to clarify that toe licking won’t be allowed in schools. The predators in schools are coming for your kids. Luckily for Oklahoma, Ryan Walters is standing in their way!" / X

Robert F. Kennedy Jr on X: "Can’t we have mature political conversations instead of belittling voters? More TV pundits should get out of the studio and talk to real Americans." / X

General Mike Flynn on X: "Honestly @RobertKennedyJr this is why you should step down from running (admirable but you cannot win the presidency), join forces with @realDonaldTrump and start focusing on fixing this deep seated corruption that permeates our entire health care industry. With the right leaders…" / X

Lara Logan on X: "" / X

Scott Adams on X: "“Destroy our Democracy” is how you can spot who is part of the op." / X

End Wokeness on X: "BREAKING: US Agency For Global Media suspends their CIO James Reeves over unearthed anti-White posts. J.R. refers to Whites as "snow roaches" "The claims against one of the agency's top officials initially surfaced on the right-wing Twitter page, End Wokeness" Another one…" / X

KanekoaTheGreat on X: "CNN's Van Jones: If Trump Wins, You're Going to See Russian Tanks and Horror Across Europe, American Soldiers Dying 🙄🙄🙄 ACOSTA: "What must President Biden do to earn those Nikki Haley's supporters?" JONES: "He needs to talk to her donors and supporters and say, if a year…" / X

Georgia Attorney Says Fani Willis Misappropriated Homicide Funds for Election Cases | NTD

Kevin Sorbo on X: "This is why we don’t trust the “experts.”" / X

Robert F. Kennedy Jr on X: "Watch the Democratic Party elite ridiculing and laughing at voters who expressed concerns about illegal immigration. We should be listening to Americans instead of mocking them." / X

(4) Citizen Free Press on X: "Joy Reid has lost her mind and should be suspended by MSNBC. Joy says republicans are voting to 'kick black people out of colleges.' No one on the panel pushes back." / X

(4) Viva Frei on X: "A: Corruption." / X

(4) Sarah Fields on X: "This is an ALGORITHM trying to figure out a math problem. That math problem is YOU. Every Californian needs to understand what just happened. You’re Redder thank you think. They robbed votes from Steve Garvey, in plain view, in front of everyone. Steve Garvey was leading Adam…" / X

(4) Collin Rugg on X: "REPORT: Chinese gangs known as "Snakeheads" are working with Mexican cartels to smuggle illegals into the United States. Biden's America. According to the Daily Mail, Chinese people are flying from China to Mexico and other central American cities and then meeting up with…" / X

Tim Pool on X: "🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥" / X

KanekoaTheGreat on X: "CNN's Tapper: Trump Has Reformed the GOP with More Working Class People, Including Voters of Color, Men Primarily TAPPER: “You‘re talking about how he is reforming the Republican Party more working class people, including voters of color, African American, men primarily, but…" / X

Nikki Haley officially drops out of 2024 election, challenges Trump to win back her supporters

Tucker Carlson on X: "How do you convince women to give up what they love most and submit to wage slavery at a bank? Simple: call it feminism. A report from Ireland." / X

Cernovich on X: "Unrelenting lies from Snopes." / X

Elon Musk on X: "Kids can be taught to believe anything. Mental firewalls are hit-and-miss for most adults and almost non-existent for most kids." / X

Viva Frei on X: "During her testimony, Fani Willis SPECIFICALLY and CATEGORICALLY denied having visited the White House when she was in DC. Today, Ashleigh Merchant provided receipts PROVING that Fani did in fact visit the White House. This means that Fani not only lied under oath, but lied…" / X

Fani Willis accusing others of lying and inappropriate behavior is ironic

End Wokeness on X: "A 14-year-old schoolgirl was just found dead in an apartment in Vienna. The girl was found drugged and r*ped. Her kiIIer is a 26-year-old Afghan migrant who claimed asylum back in 2015. His 1st application was rejected, but the courts granted him subsidiary protection on…" / X

Chaya Raichik on X: "I thought the left was horrified by school bathroom fights? They just spent 2 weeks talking about a school fight in Oklahoma. Where are they now?" / X

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X: "Snohomish County, Wash. — A Mexican national illegally in the U.S. has been arrested over the killing of a Washington state trooper who was watching for DUI and speeding drivers. Read:" / X

Washington state trooper crash death: Suspect charged with vehicular homicide after trooper is killed in highway collision | CNN

James O'Keefe on X: "Here is the organizational chart of the Catholic Charities Diocese of San Diego as of Nov. 1, 2023. Included is Cassandra Castellanos who is the Refugees Service Director we mentioned live "On The Inside."" / X

Vivek Ramaswamy on X: "If you want to seal the border, Vote Trump. If you want to restore law and order in this country, Vote Trump. If you want to defeat the deep state, Vote Trump. If you want to fight inflation, Vote Trump. If you want to revive national pride in this country, Vote Trump.…" / X

Suit: Illinois Is Breaking The Law By Failing To Clean Voter Rolls

Elon Musk on X: "The power of government grows ever stronger with each passing year" / X

The Redheaded libertarian on X: "Oh sweet manmade horrors beyond my comprehension!" / X

Chinese national charged with stealing AI secrets from Google | AP News

Chaya Raichik on X: "Hilarious! RuPaul, the dude who encourages kids to become drag queens, made an online bookstore to sell ALL BOOKS and fight against "book banning." It included my kid's book. The Left freaked out and forced them to remove it. So this anti-book banning site actually bans books!…" / X

Stimulus Check Update: Who's Eligible for $3,600 March Payment?

Shoe on X: "The post below isn’t just theory. An active duty, female Marine was forced to observe a male Marine during a urinalysis who is transgender and has legally transitioned in DEERS despite still having his male genitalia intact. This is the letter sent to @SenVancePress a couple…" / X

Michael Shellenberger on X: "A “clinician prepared to recommend a radical double mastectomy for a 16-year-old girl already suffering from liver cancer, despite believing – along with the girl’s surgeon and oncologist – that the cancer is probably due to the hormones she had been prescribed.” @Docstockk" / X

Batya Ungar-Sargon Explains The MAGA Philosophy That The Left Can't Understand

What is 'air hunger'? A neurologist reveals how it spikes anxiety — and how to stop it

CEO of doomed Titan sub joked 'what could go wrong' in radio interview

Ireland's about to take women out of its Constitution

Nassau County leader sues Tish James after AG claimed ban on trans athletes in girls sports is 'illegal'

‘Super mayor’ Tiffany Henyard vetoes probe into her spending

Elon Musk won't donate to either Trump or Biden in 2024 election

Scott Adams on X: "I can't wait to see Biden's Hate of the Union message. Here are some things to look for: Brainwashing Words: Chaos, extreme, darkness, existential Trump threat, dictator. Hoax highlights: Insurrection Hoax, Fine People Hoax, Border is closed hoax, Putin puppet hoax, and more.…" / X

(1) Viva Frei on X: "I actually think this will eliminate any reluctance he might have otherwise had to disqualify Fani. If they are going to vote based on race and politics, he will get defeated even if he does not disqualify her. He may as well preserve his integrity and reputation. I also think…" / X

The Post Millennial on X: "Vivek Ramaswamy: "You have 4 years of Biden, and you have 4 years of Trump. Compare the two when it comes to international stability, economic growth, and border security. People will be able to make their choice based on results and action."" / X

Jesse Kelly on X: "REMINDER: We’re now adding a trillion dollars to the debt every 3 months and that number ACCELERATES from here. The fiscal crisis is coming and it is coming in your lifetime and it will forever alter our way of life. Remember that as you watch them loot the treasury." / X

Ian Miles Cheong on X: "A bunch of black youths attacked this white kid in school. They were only given two days suspension and the media didn’t bother to cover the story. You know exactly why. Kudos to @libsoftiktok for exposing this." / X

Benny Johnson on X: "Cringe Jean-Pierre utterly triggered on national TV after Fox reporter asks point-blank why Joe Biden takes commands from handlers on massive notecards" / X

The Vigilant Fox 🦊 on X: "Joe Rogan EXPLODES Over the Term ‘Minor-Attracted Persons’ “We’re talking about pedophiles!” 🎯 “This idea that you are going to minimize the harm caused by evil criminals who steal children’s lives, ruin their lives forever, and you’re just going to call them a…" / X

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X: "I have been sitting on this for more than a year, but with the ACLU's latest smear piece against me, it's time to speak out: The ACLU has been engaged in a heavily financed propaganda campaign against my work and filed a subpoena against me, demanding that I provide their…" / X

Catturd ™ on X: "I warned you Nikki Haley’s entire operation was a Democrat operation to get Joe Biden re-elected and to try to hurt Trump. Do you hear me now?" / X

Chaya Raichik on X: "This doctor who supports transing kids is also an unhinged psychopath. Who could’ve guessed" / X

Benny Johnson on X: "Joe Biden leaves Corporate Reporters GASPING after he malfunctions, stares blankly at them, and ignores questions after getting in reporter's face: "I better not start the questions. I'll get in trouble."" / X

Secret emails prove Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook fact checking program has been compromised by activists | Sky News Australia

Thomas Massie on X: "One Republican Senator gets 8 earmarks in the omnibus today. No one voted to add these and no one gets to vote to take these out. We have gone backwards 14 years, to before the 2010 Tea Party wave. The swamp is back to buying Republican votes for the omnibus with earmarks." / X

Scott Adams on X: "Biden is mostly running on lawfare, hoaxes, and generic fear words. Hoaxes Russia Collusion, Fine People Hoax, Climate Alarm hoax, Jan6th Insurrection Hoax, Dictator for a day hoax, etc. Generic Fear Words Chaos, end of Democracy, extreme, darkness, existential threat, dictator…" / X

Viva Frei on X: "1) These books are not “banned”, as evidenced by the fact that they are available in a bookstore, silly. 2) At least some of these books were not even specifically prohibited in schools, but were instead hastily put on a list by dishonest / activist morons trying to make a…" / X

Robert Barnes on X: "This is what is behind the #AmosMiller #Amish farmer case -- coerce a government monopoly on our food supply so they can then inject vaccines into the animals, track & surveil everybody, push climate agendas, etc. That is why the case is so important." / X

Brigitte Gabriel on X: "The Democrats and media have denied the existence of Antifa and now Van Jones openly admits they're part of the Democrat coalition on CNN. Interesting." / X

Scott Adams on X: "God, this is funny." / X

Cernovich on X: "" / X

Rasmussen Reports on X: "Good Morning ! Georgia 2020: Court testimony below (from the REAL Fani Willis RICO case) and this sworn affidavit indicate NO SIGNATURE VERIFICATION was done for 148,000 mail-in ballots. Joe Biden didn't 'win' Georgia in Nov 2020" / X

End Wokeness on X: "Turns out, "Lynwood man" is actually an illegal alien with a long criminal history" / X

Tim Pool on X: "Maj going around getting people trained based af" / X

Jack Poso 🇺🇸 on X: "BREAKING: Fmr SPLC staffer and Secretary of State of Michigan Jocelyn Benson announces she is 'coordinating' with 6 battleground secretaries of state, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Nevada to fight a 'common adversary'" / X

Jesse Kelly on X: "It cracks me up how people use the National Guard. They’re not even trained for that. The National Guard is not some cadre of super soldiers specially trained in all things from border protection to fighting off hobos in the subway." / X

Breitbart News on X: "Great Reset Watch:" / X

Kari Lake on X: "And this is who @RubenGallego is. Or at least was, before his DC consultants realized they couldn’t sell an unhinged Marxist to the people of Arizona." / X

Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit on X: "You have NO IDEA how bad this actually is. Not just the baby butchery. THE SELLING OF THE ORGANS." / X

Jason Robertson on X: "One would think this would be front page news..." / X

Wall Street Silver on X: "🤡🌎 ... legacy corporate media trying to justify the new reality in liberal cities." / X

Avi Yemini on X: "Again, it turns out @elonmusk was right in replacing the activist “fact-checkers” with a more honest system. It’s not perfect but @CommunityNotes cuts out this corrupting of truth." / X

Tim Young on X: "Karine Jean-Pierre blames the head of the border patrol for never even speaking with Biden or border czar Kamala for 2 years... Not the other way around. Because these people think you're stupid." / X

The Fake Science of Sugar - Vox Popoli

Microsoft AI engineer warns FTC about Copilot Designer safety concerns - The Verge

Citizen Free Press on X: "ATF agent can't disassemble a glock pistol on Face the Nation. The added commentary is hilarious." / X

Oakland city workers inspect trash bins to help fight climate change. Here's how sorting garbage properly works - ABC7 San Francisco

National Guard members sent to help beef up security in NYC subway system - YouTube

Democrat senator thwarts GOP effort to pass bill detaining illegal immigrants charged with violent crime

'It would be a disaster for everyone': Should Biden debate Trump?  - YouTube

'A clarion call': Democratic donors sound the alarm to Biden about strength of 'uncommitted'

Super Tuesday states see "uncommitted" votes in protest of war in Gaza : NPR

Challenges for Trump and Biden emerge even as both cruise: Exit polls - ABC News

Liberals' outrage over the Supreme Court Trump ruling is 'troubling': Urbahn - YouTube

On DMA eve, Google whines, Apple sounds alarms, and TikTok wants out | Ars Technica

Trump’s on the ballot, but the Supreme Court left key constitutional questions unanswered | CNN Politics

How Democrats Could Disqualify Trump If the Supreme Court Doesn’t - The Atlantic

Joy Reid: Republicans Vote On 'Racial Animus,' Not Economy

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