Some US Media Received Millions of Dollars from CCP to Run CCP’s Propaganda

6 months ago

03/05/2024 Drew Holden, Washington Free Beacon Staff Writer: Some U.S. media outlets, like TIME Magazine, Wall Street Journal and New York Times etc, received millions of dollars from China Daily, a state-owned Chinese media company, to publish CCP’s propaganda disguised as news articles. The propaganda included puff pieces about the Chinese regime, to make Xi look good, and to talk up the U.S.-China relations in ways that weren't connected to the facts at all.
03/05/2024 《华盛顿自由灯塔》特约撰稿人德鲁·霍尔顿:一些美国媒体机构,比如《时代周刊》、《华尔街日报》和《纽约时报》等等,从中共官媒《中国日报》那里收受了数百万美元,刊登伪装成新闻报道的中共宣传内容。这些宣传包括吹捧中共政权、美化习近平,以及谈论美中关系时完全罔顾事实。

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