7 months ago

#gangstalking #gaslighting #V2k
Electronic Harassment SIGNAL JAMMER/ V2K BLOCKER/ Signal Sweep Shield

DrVirtual7 Self Help Programs-
Targeted Individual Scatter Frequency

I DrVirtual7, will continue to express my opinions, which are protected under the U.S. Constitution.

Target Scatter Frequency Assists In Jamming The Harmful Frequencies Of Cell Phone Towers, Haarp, Big Brother Satellites Mind Swapping And Hybrid Programs Ringing In The Ears Etc

Millions in the U.S Targeted With RF/Scalar/Sonic Wpns, Nano Tech Amoebas, Neuro Circuit Locks, Chemtrail Bio Wpns.
A Targeted Individual is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI or CIA) to unwillingly participate in a government experimental torture program. This program is designed to break down the individual and "neutralize the person," using psychological, physical, and emotional stress. The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire global population.

The CIA provides the funding under the Black Budget and directs the U.S. Shadow Government/Deep State agencies. The HSIC was created in 2005 to serve as the DHS' decision-making and implementation oversight board. These are the primary groups involved: CFR, CIA Operations, Air Force Space Command 50th Wing, DHS Intelligence & Analysis, Office of the DNI, Dept of Justice National Security Division, FBI National Security Branch, Defense Intelligence Agency.
"Targeted Individual" refers to Hate Crimes that are being orchestrated and conducted by the CIA, Air Force, FBI, DHS, and Mossad; globally affecting millions of people and their families. These Hate Crimes are a violation of fundamental human rights, International Treaties & the U.S. Constitution. For Air Force & CIA officers - it is an act of High TREASON and a War Crime under Article 32 of the Geneva Conventions.

Intended for mature audience.

Download here_


Pure Isochronic Tones

Listen Day Or Night
If Symptoms Are Severe Increase Listening.
Refrain From Listening If You Are Operating Industrial Machinery
And Or Driving A Moving Automobile

Calms Negative Voices In the Mind V2k. Neutralizes Satellite Brain Imaging, Cell Phone Gwen Towers And All Elf Negative Subliminal Broadcasts, Haarp, Television, Computers, Smart Meters, Crystal Chipped Vaccines Child, Flu, Military, R.F.I.D, Nano-Particles From Chemtrails. Behavioral Modification.

Volume: Adjust To Personal Preference.

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A Just Listen To Audio Program.

Disclaimer: Under fair use for educational purposes: Various education, publishing, broadcast, government, and private organizations assisted in the development of and have endorsed the "Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia, and "The Freedom Of Information Act of 1966 amended in 1996 to allow for greater access to electronic information. DrVirtual7 shall not be held responsible in any way shape or form for improper use.
The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of expression and the implied rights of association and belief. The right to free speech includes other mediums of expression that communicate a message. The level of protection speech receives also depends on the forum in which it takes place. It allows an individual to express themselves through publication and dissemination. The Supreme Court has expressly recognized that a right to freedom of association and belief is implicit in the First, Fifth, and Fourteenth Amendments. It works with the right of assembly by allowing people to join together and seek change from the government. Madison's version of the speech and press clauses, introduced in the House of Representatives on June 8, 1789, provided: "The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable. Every freeman has an undoubted right to say what sentiments he pleases before the public.

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#MKULTRA #V2k #electronicharassment #targetedindividuals2019 #cellphonetowers
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