The Many Faces of Our Dilemma

11 months ago

The Many Faces of Our Dilemma

In a nutshell Biden did what he said he was going to do and I already covered that. In 2017 he said we have to have a steady steam of immigrants. I turned that into a GIF I like to sling at them.
The first thing he did when he got into office was create a branch for government funded immigration where people could sponsor immigrants. Here’s the link.

This is mostly about shifting the demographics for the next election, but there’s something darker beyond that. Republican Scott Bottoms of Colorado’s House of representatives discussed it in very clear terms. Yeah it’s pretty rough and hard to look at. We have to be able to look at things like that however because it has to be dealt with. There is no way around that. Watch the Movie ‘The Sound of Freedom’.

The links that are imaged but not live at the back of the video, lead to Telegram, which is a Russian platform. I don’t use it, but a lot of people do. I noticed a link to Q and as I suspected, it tied back to Telegram also. Q has always been something I’ve stayed clear of. It appeared to me to be a redo of the Bolsheviks ‘Trust the Plan’. It was a psyop that got everyone to calm down and wait to get their butts kicked. The wording of the Q drops reminded me of the specificity always passed on by fortune cookies.

What do I think this is all about? A good battle strategy generates chaos on your enemy and that is happening right now. Because you’ve generated the chaos you’ve usually planned out the options that will open up. That woman in the video from Colorado makes a good point. Where’s the money going to come from to pay for this. Biden and company don’t care. Money is not a problem if you’re intentionally ruining the currency as you go. I can almost see them shutting off the cash just before the election in order to have to save the country because of the new riots. I’ve noticed that all of their problems lead to new correct what they just caused. It has been said many times that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. There are a lot of well meaning idiots that are adding to the problem and they’re so giddy from the dopamine hits created by the virtue signaling they can’t imagine what’s coming.

Make this one trend folks!
Tucker's reaction to SOTU is worth watching. It doesn't start to play until 8:55 in the video.

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