The Missing Key in Dispensational Eschatology

8 months ago

How is it that the Bible clearly describes the Rapture of the Church as an imminent, signless, and unpredictable event - yet also describes the beginning of the broad period of the Day of the Lord in this exact way? How can both of these end-time events truly be imminent? If one were to occur first, then logically, the other could not be described as "imminent." Similarly, how is it that the New Testament consistently portrays the rescue of the righteous as coinciding with the beginning of judgment for the wicked, with both being described as imminent?

Can it be that there is a simple biblical paradigm that, when consistently applied, easily clarifies these apparent dilemmas - one that most modern scholars have somehow overlooked? Can it harmonize all of the difficult and seemingly contradictory end-time Bible passages that have perplexed readers for generations? In this video, I present this "missing key" paradigm - the topic of my new book - a comprehensive, first-of-its-kind study!

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