God Will Build a NEW World, Here's How—Christ’s Return, the Millennium & the Kingdom of God on Earth

3 months ago

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Welcome to Tomorrow's World, where we explore the prospect of turning Mars into a new frontier for humanity. In this episode, we delve into the ambitious plans of Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, and NASA to establish a human presence on the red planet. Musk envisions a Mann Mission to Mars by 2029, while NASA is actively working on its Artemis program to lay the groundwork for a manned mission and, eventually, a permanent base on Mars.

The technological challenges of such an endeavor are immense, with a six to seven-month journey through space and exposure to significantly increased radiation being just a couple of the hurdles. Even if we were to overcome these challenges, Mars presents an inhospitable environment with extreme temperatures, thin air, and a predominantly carbon dioxide atmosphere. However, for the sake of exploration, let's imagine a future where we successfully establish a thriving human outpost on Mars, overcoming all technological challenges.

The central question then arises: What kind of civilization would we build on Mars? As the text delves into the potential societal structures and relationships, it underscores a critical observation – the problems of humanity, from troubled relationships to governmental corruption, are deeply rooted in our own nature. The narrative provocatively questions whether, despite technological advancements, we can truly build a new world when the fundamental flaws of human nature, such as greed and selfishness, persist.

Mr. Smith then transitions to a profound exploration of the biblical perspective on the state of our world. It traces the roots of societal issues back to the Garden of Eden, highlighting the pivotal moment when Adam and Eve chose their will over God's. This "not your will, but mine" foundation, has been the basis for humanity's attempts to build societies independently, resulting in broken institutions and a collapsing world.

A glimmer of hope emerges as the narrative turns to Jesus Christ's example in the Garden of Gethsemane. His resolute acceptance of God's will, even in the face of immense suffering, serves as a model for a new foundation on which a truly harmonious world can be built. The text suggests that only through complete submission to the will of God, as exemplified by Jesus, can we lay the groundwork for a new world of enduring peace, joy, and love.

The episode concludes by envisioning a future where Mars, and indeed the entire cosmos, experiences liberation and transformation under the guidance of the divine family of God. It emphasizes that building on this new foundation requires a personal commitment to aligning our actions with God's will, ushering in the aroma of a promising world tomorrow. The viewer is encouraged to reflect on these profound insights and consider the role of divine principles in shaping not only our potential future on Mars but also the current state of our lives on Earth.

Questions this video will answer.

1.What are the key challenges and technological obstacles that must be overcome to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars, and how do these challenges compare to our experiences on Earth?

2. In envisioning a thriving human colony on Mars, what aspects of daily life, relationships, and societal structures should we anticipate, given the unique conditions and challenges of living on another planet?

3. How does the foundational concept of "not your will, but mine" impact the way we approach building civilizations on Earth, and what lessons can be learned from historical attempts to shape societies according to human desires rather than divine principles?

4. Can Elon Musk's vision for a human mission to Mars and the establishment of a new world serve as a metaphor for humanity's perpetual quest for progress and exploration, and how does the narrative of Mars colonization reflect our broader ambitions and shortcomings as a species?

5. Drawing on the biblical perspective presented, what role does the concept of divine will play in shaping a truly better and more harmonious world, both on Earth and potentially on Mars? How might a shift towards aligning human actions with divine principles contribute to a positive transformation in our societies and beyond?

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