Live Chat IndusTokens - 2024-03-06 Round 6 Take 4

3 months ago

Live Chat IndusTokens
- Round 6 Take 4
- Date: 2024-03-06 Wednesday
- Time: 8:10pm

Opening: Cold Heart (
Closing: Easy on me (

2024.Mar 4-6
- 63-65th day
- Lunar 1.24-1.26
- Tesla Date 1.22-1.24🍿
- Round 6 Day 10-12
- OTD ( - Britannica- ( Current ( Events
- 1924.3.4 “Happy Birthday to You”
- 1770.3.5 Boston Massacre (
- 2022.3.5 “Endurance” discovered 107 yrs later
- 2024.3.5 惊蛰 solar terms ( 24节气
- 1836.3.6 Battle of the Alamo (
- 1869.3.6 Dmitri Mendeleev first periodical table (

Items related to this chat
1. JFK
- 122 Bowdoin St Boston (
2, Soong Meiling 宋美龄
- 1898.3.5-2003.10.23 (
- 1898.3.4 - 2003.10.24 (
- 1897.3.5 - 2003.10.24 (
3. China vs US
- Super Tuesday (
- National People‘s Congress ( - 14届2次 - 3.4-5 to 3.11 (
4. 龙 Dragon
- Fruits - Lychee 荔枝- South Africa ( Dragon Fruit 火龙果 - Guatemala ( - Longan ( 龙眼 Vietnam ( -
- 鱼跃龙门 Fish 龙腾虎跃 Tiger
— Zuckerberg Tiger shirt- Anant Ambani 3 fish watch (
— Richard Mille (
5. Geology
- Sierra NV ( - Snow ( - American Cordillera ( - Ring of fire (
- Jason Palmer beat Biden ( -Samoa ( - Samoyed Dog ( -萨摩耶 (
- Tumblemageddon ( - South Jordan Utah ( - Oquirrh_Mountains (
- 吉林莫莫格湿地 ( - bird migration ( - China Russia collaboration (
- 和若铁路 ( - 塔克拉玛干沙漠 ( - Taklamakan (
6. Financial
- Stock Market 2024.3.4-5-6
- Bezos #1 (
- 2024.3.6 NYCB crash ( (
7. Health
- Dengue Fever ( -登革热 (断骨热 - Brazil ( - Argentina ( - 蚊子wen zi -GMO mosquitos ( 2024.2.26 107 with Gideon's army (
- Yeast infection ( - Barbara O'Neil recommendations (
- Muscle knows no age ( - Barbara O'Neil 2023

Breathe for balance

Enjoy the journey!

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