How the US developed 'hybrid warfare' aka. Color Revolution

10 months ago

Video: How the US developed 'hybrid warfare' aka. Color Revolution to control the world in the name of democracy for the last 70 years including but not limited to Italy, Taiwan, Ukraine, HK (failed), Philippines, S Korea, Japan etc 美國如何發展「混合戰爭」又名。 顏色革命以民主之名控制世界70年,包括但不限於義大利、台灣、烏克蘭、香港 (失敗) , 菲律賓、韓國、日本等

The US developed the modern version of “hybrid warfare” in 1948—and it immediately became a wildly successful system to ensure countries always elected US-backed candidates. The main tool was the media and the system’s key elements were fearmongering, labelling opponents as “commies”, secret financing of pro-US politicians, and a disinformation technique called “projection”. All four are used more than ever today. 美國於 1948 年開發了現代版的“混合戰爭”,並立即成為一個非常成功的體系,以確保各國始終選出美國支持的候選人。 主要工具是媒體,該體系的關鍵要素是散播恐懼、給對手貼上「共產主義者」的標籤、秘密資助親美政客,以及一種被稱為「投射」的虛假資訊技術。 如今,這四種方法的使用都比以往任何時候都多.

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