Everything We think is real, is just a illusions! The Laff Box!

4 months ago

The Laff Box, Laugh Box, Audience Reaction Reproducer, Laugh Track, Charlie Douglass!
I have been Studying, The Real History ever Since 9-11-2001👀
I would like to create a New Series. I will run a ever once in a while, with some History or Fun Facts, if you-all like? Called,
Do You Know? Do you know, that most Laugh Tracks were recorded in the 1950s? You have been laughing along with the Dead!
Just some fun facts! That everything we think is real, is just a illusions! https://youtu.be/0yXHoZo1cNY?si=xz_K7X22l85U14qZ
We must put down the Hypnosis Devices,📵 Mad Scientist have Created for Us to be Deceived, Divided, and Distracted! We have No Choice! We Must Unite and Fight these Lunatics that are Controlling every Aspect of Our Lives!
Commercial Fisherman, Standing By! We Must Realize, We are Under Hypnosis! https://youtu.be/XIAXuxoSjo8
OUR Uniformed Personnel! Must Stand With The People! Not The Corporate Corrupt Government! We Have Today!🆘👇🙏 https://givesendgo.com/GBNU1

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