Very Disturbing Trend!

1 year ago

I see a disturbing trend in people teaching on dream interpretation, where they tell us to interpret our dreams based on emotion. This is an absolute critical error. The emotion is the soul level. You want to hear from God what the spirit is saying. Did you know that in II Timothy 1:7 it says, for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. The word fear in that context means cowardice. God has not made us to be cowards, to be afraid. So if you have a bad dream that makes you afraid, you don't run from it. You don't declare the dream from the devil and ignore it. You don't put it out of your mind. You don't ignore the message from God. You press into it. We've developed a process that's based completely on Genesis 41, which is Joseph interpreting the dreams of pharaoh that will walk you through a very emotional dream in order to help you get an accurate determination of what it means. We have that in our course, the Dreams Course. We would love for you to join us for that course.

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