Easy Delicious Raspberry Cream Cheese Jello: The Perfect Side Dish For Any Occasion!

6 months ago

A simple, easy recipe for a side dish to add to any meal. Raspberry is our favorite; however, you can use any flavor you would like. The jello can be made the evening before. Let it set on the countertop overnight and the next morning it has congealed enough that it's ready to finish putting together. This is an easy dish to take to a potluck.

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1 box (3 oz) jello (your choice of flavor)
8 oz. cream cheese
8 oz cool whip
1/2 cup powdered sugar

Prepare jello according to instructions on the box
Let set until thickened but not firm

Cream the cream cheese
Add the cool whip and powdered sugar
Beat until well incorporated and creamy
Add the jello and beat until well mixed.

Pour into a dish and place in the refrigerator to chill until set.
It would be very pretty to garnish it with fruit after it has set.
Putting this in individual cups would also be beautiful.
Serve and enjoy.

The Golden Thought of Inspiration
If you see someone falling behind walk beside them.
If you see someone being ignored find a way to include them.
Always remind people of their worth. One small act could mean the world to them.

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