What Happened to Ren & Stimpy (1991-96)?

10 months ago

I’m pretty lucky, I have lived through some major pop culture events. The Tim Burton Batman films changed comic book media, the birth of Image comics, seeing how Star Trek The Next Generation birthed a new fandom. But one of the biggest events was seeing how, in a few short years, animation would change forever. The Simpsons is one example of how cartoons started to break new ground. Yet there was one cartoon that broke the world of American animation. It was gross, it was crass, it was unlike anything we had ever seen. If the Simpsons were an explosion, Ren & Stimpy were the atomic bomb. Today many popular cartoons can all trace their origins back to an insane Chihuahua and a stupid big-nosed cat. It is undeniable Ren & Stimpy changed the face of animation. However the story behind the genesis of the show is full of rebellion, arrogance, and sadly…. pain. It’s a long and fascinating tale, so put on your Stupamatron helmet and get ready to learn about the origins of Ren & Stimpy in this episode of Gone But Not Forgotten.

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