A Psychopath's Guide To Enlightenment - Archetypes Set Beauty Standards

10 months ago

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Something deep inside you knows what a human body is supposed to look like and no amount of conditioning or propaganda will ever be able to convince us otherwise. It’s jacked and lean for men and thin big ass big tits for women and it’s always gonna be that way, people have preferences but it doesn’t change the fact that that is always gonna be the ideal body type. And it doesn’t matter how fat women get or weak men get because an objective standard of beauty does exist and it exists because of archetypes and archetypes exist because of nature. Because nature and the struggle against nature have a way of perfectly shaping things for their environment and once something becomes perfectly shaped for its environment a species emerges and that perfectly shaped version from which all the other versions are derived is the archetype and beauty is a measure of how closely something is to that archetype.

Its why pretty much every animal in nature is beautiful but almost no one in civilization is…the animals are still beautiful because the animals still live in the same conditions and environments that produced their archetypes but not us, we don’t live in nature anymore so it’s not able to shape us like it once was and as a result, most of us don’t look anything like our archetypes anymore and beauty is becoming rarer and rarer, so the push to re-classify beauty to something more easily attainable and more common has begun but it will never work because the idea of beauty isn’t a preference, its an archetype and Sports Illustrated could do All-Trans-Lizzo swimsuit issues from now till fucking eternity and it will never move the needle one inch on beauty standards because the standard of beauty is not an opinion, it’s an archetype and the further we get from the nature the further we get from our archetypal form and the fucking uglier and fatter we keep getting

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