Curious Cat Investigating Cat Art Leaps High In The Air After Noise Scares Him

6 years ago

We have owned a number of cats over the years, and it never fails to surprise us what objects, people or other animals will cause our pets to freak out. One cat might be investigating a paper bag while the other ignores it completely, or another cat would find towels threatening. They are strange beings.

They say, "Curiosity killed the cat." It should be amended to stress from surprises killed the cat.

This video features a beautiful cat. Just from the looks we guessed that our feline hero might be an Ocicat or a California Spangled Cat. Either way, her striations and spots create a gorgeous coat. Anyway, our striking feline friend is in a kitchen having quite the stare down with a metal cat sculpture. It is the kind of sculpture where the body is made up of metal rings and rods. The head is a silly looking cat head that appears to be made from light orange or yellow-ish metal. The cat is curious about this metal sculpture but is not down with getting too close to the sculpture. It also appears to be next to a food plate.

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