Olympia Watch; 3 Initiative's Pass! Parental Rights, Income Tax Ban, Police Pursuits Reinstated!

1 year ago

Three citizen initiatives have passed at the Washington State capital; I-2081 Parental Bill of Rights, I-2111 Ban on Income Tax and I-2113 which reinstates police pursuits. The people have spoken! And finally get a win!

#leftcoastnews #olympianews #olympiawatch #olympiapolitics #walegislature #washingtonlegislature #wademocrats #wabills #walaws #wapolitics #wapoliticalnews #washingtonpolitics #criminaljustice #washingtonnews #seattlenews #inslee #jayinslee #shtf #shtfnews #prep #prepper #preppernews #societalcollapse #governmentoverreach
#incometax #policepursuits #parentalrights #parentalbillofrights #i2111 #i2113 #i2081

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