Today in History Food Edition March 12, 2024

11 months ago

State Festivals
Eastern Winery Exposition
Natural Products Expo West
Saint Fina
National Milky Way Day
Milky Ways (Copycat)
Baked Scallops Day
Chorizo Baked Sea Scallops
1773 Jeanne Baptiste Pointe de Sable founded a settlement where the city of Chicago now stands.
Chicago Italian Beef Sandwich
1836 Isabella Beeton was born (died February 6, 1865)
Beef Rolls
1841 Orlando Jones of Middlesex, England received U.S. patent No. 2,000 for a process to make starch from rice or corn.
Pure Rice Starch
Natural pH Rice Starch Powder
Rice Starch for Collages
1893 Christian Kent Nelson was born (died March 8, 1992)
Cherry Eskimo Pie
1894 Coca Cola was first bottled by Joseph A. Biedenham of Vicksburg, Mississippi
Cherry Cola Cake
1912 Juliette 'Daisy' Gordon Low founded the Girl Scouts (Girl Guides) in Savannah, Georgia.
Peanut Butter Do Si Dos (Copycat)
1947 'Chocolate Soldier' opens at the New Century Theater in New York City.
Chocolate Soldier Cocktail
1964 'Days of Wine and Roses' from the movie of the same name, wins Grammy award for Best Song.
Wine and Roses Chocolate Cake
2012 The movie 'The Hunger Games' premiered in Los Angeles, California.
Hunger Games Peeta’s Raisin and Nut Bread

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