Tara Setmayer: Nikki Haley Is in a Position to Say the Only Way to Save Democracy Is to Make Sure that Joe Biden Wins

6 months ago

CABRERA: “Well, think about Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, I mean, all those things that you were just talking about, Marco Rubio, they all came home to Trump, eventually, Tara.”
SETMAYER: “Well, that’s partially why we’re here now. Because None of them back in 2016 or 2020 had the backbone to stand up to him and say no. As Bill Buckley used to say, conservatives’ role was to yell stop athwart history when no one else would. Well, no one else in the party has done that, really, except for a handful and they’ve been run out of the party, like Liz Cheney and Chris Christie and others, Adam Kinzinger. The thing about this is that Donald Trump can’t have it both ways, and neither can Nikki Haley. She needs to be consistent. The only time she started to really punch back is when he went after her husband who was serving our country honorably, unlike Donald Trump, who was a draft dodger. So at that point, now, it became personal for her. Well, that’s wonderful. But it’s been personal for a lot of Americans for years, who have been on the receiving end of Donald Trump’s insults and his indignities. So, you know, that’s great that she’s decided to do that now, but more importantly, she represents a large swath of the Republican Party that is homeless now. They don’t know what to do. And we’ve seen consistently that they are — are voting at 20 to 35 percent against Donald Trump. Where do those people go? Karl Rove was on Fox News last night saying the Trump campaign really has a five alarm fire here looking at how many of these Republicans are not going to vote for him. How are they going to unify? Because Donald Trump is consistently insulting them telling them we don’t need them. Just last week, he was at a rally and said, ‘We don’t want you moderate Republicans. We’re kicking out the Romneys of the party.’ That is contracting, that is not expanding the tent to Jose’s point. And to win elections, you need to have 50 plus one. So this is — I mean, I think Nikki Haley is trying to buy — buy some time, because she wants to still remain relevant, right? Power and relevance is a hell of a drug. And she has that for right now. But at some point, what is she going to do? Is she going to go the same way, with the same level of indignity as Ted Cruz and Mitch McConnell and all the rest of them who fell in line for Donald Trump and sell the country out when she’s in a position to say the only way that we want to save democracy and make sure that we actually have real policy decisions is to make sure that Joe Biden wins the presidency this time around, and then we can argue about it later, because at least he’s not a threat to our democracy.”

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