Today in History Food Edition March 11, 2024

11 months ago

State Festivals
Indiana Tourism Conference
Saint Constantine
Glasgow Whim-Whams
Soft Custard
Scottish Potato Pie
Smoked Bacon Wrapped French Onion
Creamy Cock a Leckie Soup with Bacon
National Eat your Noodle Day
Egg Noodles
Oatmeal-Nut Waffle Day
Red Flannel Hash
1845 One possible date given for John Chapman’s, 'Johnny Appleseed' death
Johnny Appleseed Cake
1903 Lawrence Welk, champagne music-maker, was born
Lawrence Welk Cocktail
1918 The first U.S. cases of the deadly 'Spanish Influenza' were reported at the Army hospital in Fort Riley, Kansas
1947 Mark Stein of the music group 'Vanilla Fudge' was born
Vanilla Fudge
1955 Alexander Fleming died (born Aug 6, 1881)
Penicillin Cocktail
Honey Ginger Syrup

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