"Ski Jump FAIL: “Where Are My Skis?!”"

6 years ago

"Once you’ve introduced the fun of a ski jump to a kid, they just can’t get enough of it. Snowball fights, snow angels and building snowmen don’t seem as near as fun compared to jumping and gliding down the slopes. In this video, we meet a little boy perfectly geared up with all the necessary ski equipment. And down the slope he goes! Let’s have some fun! It’s time for his first jump and the suspense is real… He climbs a small hill and goes over it. Success! Oh wait, don’t clap your hands for this little guy just yet. The little boy falls out of his skis, lands on his stomach perfectly, and continues gliding down the hill. That’s another way to do it! Don’t lose your enthusiasm kid, you’re doing fine. Just try to keep the skis on your feet while you are skiing next time, that should help!"

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