Brave Arctic Fox Keeps Coming For Fish Treats

7 years ago

This incredible footage shows the moment a beautiful white Arctic fox comes up to a man in demand for some delicious fish treats. The stunning little fox even sniffs man’s belongings while constantly trying to approach him for a decent introduction!

Footage shows the adorable moment when a man encounters a <a href="" target="_blank">friendly Arctic fox</a> cub while he was fishing in Russia. The fox was so persistent in his quest for fish, the fisherman allowed him to take his fish and have a nice meal too, but not before putting on a show for the audience. So cute!

This man has some fun with his new Arctic fox friend who spent the whole day with him, trying to <a href="" target="_blank">feast on the fish</a>. Don’t worry, this fox was fed a lot by these nice people, but in this clip the man wanted to troll the fox by raising his voice and pointing his fingers, in order to witness fox’s reaction!

Even though the man keeps shooing the cub away by his actions, it will take much more than just screams and reprimands to scare this brave animal away. The fox continues to come back over a dozen times despite of man’s sudden shouts! Of course, this man is just fooling around with the fox in order to catch it’s funny reaction on camera.

Who knows, maybe this fox got to be this man’s pet in the end of the video. You just need to watch the clip to find out!

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