Our Southern Border Invasion, WHY?

3 months ago

In The News;
New York has proposed giving 10K to all migrants? Homeless Vets in wheelchairs?
Red Cross has stopped taking Jabbed Blood.
Airlines are advertising for non-jabbed pilots, The Airlines and the USAF pilots that have been jabbed can no longer pass the flight physical due to heart issues.

The Border
Chinese Military detected coming across our southern border?
Venezuela Has been emptying out more prisons and sending the prisoners through Mexico up and across out southern border?

Why is our border open?
They hope that all these immigrants will vote for Biden/Democrats as they are the one who let them in? Biden out, Michelle Obama in?
I think it’s going to backfire because these people are fleeing a socialist regime and they know the dangers of this mindset?

Workers, cheap labor, Americans no longer want to work, millions of men in their 20’s and 30’s are unemployed and not seeking work?

Military service in exchange for citizenship? These immigrants will have no problem firing on American citizens.

Look for a massive, coordinated, terrorist attack, one that will bring about marshal law, and postpone any elections this year?
Psa 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivers him out of them all.

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