"Mom Knows How to Handle Toddler Tantrums"

6 years ago

"Oh, the famous toddler tantrums. They certainly are every parent’s biggest nightmare. Dealing with a toddler’s crying rage can be exhausting for mothers and fathers all over the world, no matter how patient they are. Sometimes when nothing else seems to be working parents decide to employ their creativity while handling their precious little kid’s crying outbursts. And this mother sure has got some skills! The little boy from this video is crying inconsolably, but when his mom starts singing ‘if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands’, he doesn’t miss a single clap! How adorable is that! You will not believe it until you see it! Maybe this cute little boy really is happy, but he’s just failing to express his happiness appropriately. Even though the boy doesn’t actually stop crying, this mom definitely deserves some points for her unique approach to tantrum solving! She should definitely pass on that knowledge."

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