"Baby Parties To Everybody Dance Now!"

6 years ago

"Everybody dance now! Da da da da da da da da da! Oh my, what a hit that was! Check out the video of the baby who just adores this song. Priceless! nThe mom is singing this catchy tune and the baby, not older than six months is jumping up and down, following the rhythm. Well, not actually jumping, but busting some pretty awesome moves! This song is really addictive. We can’t stop singing! Even the baby from our video is mimicking the sounds. Hilarious!nAll babies respond positively to music, but mostly to lullabies. This baby is the exception, she loves to party while listening to her mom’s voice! Did you know that babies are born dancers? They move in time to music even before they learn to speak, as you’ll see in this video. Babies love a beat, and dancing comes naturally to them. So adorable! Apparently, babies are party animals, and they aren’t afraid to show it. Just like the baby in our video!"

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